Nikhil "Kaido" Hegde

M&M: Malware and Musings

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Taking a Midnight Walk with PEB and Phobos Ransomware


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The Phobos ransomware is operated as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) model. They sell multiple variants of the ransomware, one of which is called Elbie and the subject of our analysis today.

The primary focus of the analysis will be on an obfuscation technique that is encountered quite often in malware. To make reverse engineering more time consuming, malware can traverse the Process Environment Block (aka, PEB) to find specific loaded modules. Once found, it traverses their export table to find the addresses of specific functions. This is an obfuscation technique that is an alternative to determining function addresses through the GetProcAddress function.

Exploring the PEB in WinDbg

In Geoff Chappell’s words:

The Process Environment Block (PEB) is a process’s user-mode representation. It has the highest-level knowledge of a process in kernel mode and the lowest-level in user mode.

The only understanding we need today is that the PEB contains information about a given process. More specifically, our focus will be on information about DLLs that have been already loaded into the process.

While Microsoft has some documentation about the structure of the PEB, it is insufficient. So, we will be using WinDbg to explore the structure of the PEB. This also allows you to move around in memory and get a better feel for the PEB and structures embedded within it. Ensure that WinDbg can connect to the Internet to download symbol information, or have them downloaded locally beforehand. Here’s a handy StackOverflow resource.

The primary goal of this manual exploration is to traverse the PEB, find the memory address where kernel32.dll is loaded, and lastly, traverse its export table to find the address of the WinExec function.

Traversing the PEB

The below snap shows the WinDbg window when the first breakpoint was hit after launching the Phobos ransomware through WinDbg. This breakpoint was automatically triggered by WinDbg after loading all relevant DLLs and just before entering the ransomware-specific code.

Launch WinDbg
Fig. 1: Launch WinDbg

In the command field, type !peb to summarize the PEB of the current, i.e., the ransomware process. It can be seen that the PEB exists at address, 0xd07000.

Address of the PEB
Fig. 2: Address of the PEB

In the command field, type dt 0xd07000 _peb to map the PEB structure to the memory address where the PEB exists. For today’s analysis, the Ldr field in the PEB structure is the most important. It contains information about all of the loaded DLLs in the current process. It exists at memory address, 0x77d85d80 and points to a _PEB_LDR_DATA structure.

Structure of the PEB
Fig. 3: Structure of the PEB

In the command field, type dt 0x77d85d80 _PEB_LDR_DATA to map the _PEB_LDR_DATA structure to the memory address which the Ldr field points to.

Structure of _PEB_LDR_DATA
Fig. 4: Structure of _PEB_LDR_DATA

For today’s analysis, the InLoadOrderModuleList, InMemoryOrderModuleList and InInitializationOrderModuleList members are the most relevant. Each of them orders the loaded modules using a specific criteria.

As seen in Fig. 4, each of the above members consumes 8 bytes. That is because each field is a _LIST_ENTRY structure containing two members, Flink and Blink.

Structure of _LIST_ENTRY
Fig. 5: Structure of _LIST_ENTRY

Information about each loaded DLL exists in the _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure. In Fig. 6 below, note the first three members. Each Flink member in the previously mentioned InLoadOrderModuleList, InMemoryOrderModuleList and InInitializationOrderModuleList members points to the corresponding Flink member in the _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure of the next DLL in the list. Similarly, the Blink member points to the corresponding Blink member in the _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure of the previous DLL in the list. Thus, the InLoadOrderModuleList, InMemoryOrderModuleList and InInitializationOrderModuleList members are each a doubly linked list.

Note: Remember that the Flink and Blink members point to the corresponding Flink and Blink members in the next or previous _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure respectively. This knowledge will be critical to calculate offsets correctly when traversing the PEB.

Fig. 6: Structure of _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY

Fig. 7-9 show the first four entries in the InLoadOrderModuleList, InMemoryOrderModuleList and InInitializationOrderModuleList.

In InLoadOrderModuleList listing, the first 4 modules are:

  1. The executed filepath
  2. ntdll.dll
  3. kernel32.dll
  4. KernelBase.dll

It means that the Windows loader loaded the above modules in that order.

First 4 entries in InLoadOrderModuleList
Fig. 7: First 4 entries in InLoadOrderModuleList

In InMemoryOrderModuleList listing, the first 4 modules are:

  1. The executed filepath
  2. ntdll.dll
  3. kernel32.dll
  4. KernelBase.dll

While not shown in Fig. 8, the LoadTime member of the _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure indicates the Windows FILETIME at which the given module was loaded into memory. The Windows FILETIME is an epoch that starts at 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z. It is 11644473600 seconds before the UNIX/Linux epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). The Windows ticks are in 100 nanoseconds. The following function can be used to convert Windows FILETIME into UNIX/Linux epoch seconds:

def windows_tick_to_unix_seconds(loadtime_value):
    return (loadtime_value / 10000000) - 11644473600

The modules at the start of the InMemoryOrderModuleList were loaded at Windows FILETIME 133708665141160757 (September 15, 2024 9:35:14.116 AM UTC) while those at the end were loaded at 133708665141473422 (September 15, 2024 9:35:14.147 AM UTC)

First 4 entries in InMemoryOrderModuleList
Fig. 8: First 4 entries in InMemoryOrderModuleList

In InInitializationOrderModuleList listing, the first 4 modules are:

  1. ntdll.dll
  2. KernelBase.dll
  3. kernel32.dll
  4. apphelp.dll

It means that the initialization routines (DllMain) of the above modules were called in that order.

First 4 entries in InInitializationOrderModuleList
Fig. 9: First 4 entries in InInitializationOrderModuleList

Traversing the export address table

Let’s consider the base address of kernel32.dll which is 0x76ba0000. The next step is to traverse the Export Address Table (EAT) of kernel32.dll to find the address of the WinExec function.

DOS signature (little-endian) at kernel32.dll base address
Fig. 10: DOS signature (little-endian) at kernel32.dll base address

One aspect which is interesting to note is the File System Redirection in 64-bit Windows. The Phobos ransomware executable was 32-bit and executed on a 64-bit Windows host. Astute readers will have noticed that the _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY entry for kernel32.dll showed its full path as C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll, which is the 64-bit DLL instead of the 32-bit DLL which resides at C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll. This is because the _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure’s FullDllName member stored the original path (from System32) that the Windows loader used to locate kernel32.dll. However, because the process is 32-bit, the WOW64 subsystem intervenes and redirects the actual load to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll, where the 32-bit version of kernel32.dll resides.

DOS signature (little-endian) at kernel32.dll base address
Fig. 11: DOS signature (little-endian) at kernel32.dll base address

Coming back to our original objective…

The EAT lies in the optional header data directory. The Offset value is particularly important to us. It’s the distance (in bytes) from the base address of the module, aka Relative Virtual Address (RVA). At this offset, the RVA of the EAT itself is specified. In this case, the EAT RVA is specified at an offset 0x160 and is equal to 0x92CA0.

The optional header is part of the NT header. The offset to the NT header is pointed to by the e_lfanew field (offset: 0x3C) of the DOS header. In this case, the NT header lies at an RVA of 0xE8

Finding the export address table
Fig. 12: Finding the export address table

Thus, given the base address of a module the RVA of the EAT is stored at the offset Module base address + RVA NT_header + 0x78 bytes, where 0x78 bytes is the distance from the start of the NT header to the Export Directory RVA field. The Virtual Address (VA) of the EAT can then be calculated as Module base address + Export Directory RVA

Base of the export address table
Fig. 13: Base of the export address table

In Fig. 13 above, the NumberOfNames, AddressOfFunctions, AddressOfNames and AddressOfNameOrdinals fields are relevant to us.

Ordinals array may not be in order
Fig. 14: Ordinals array may not be in order

Finally, the below algorithm can be used to find the address of WinExec:

# Max number of exported functions == NumberOfNames.
for i in range(NumberOfNames):
	# Traverse the AddressOfNameOrdinals.
	# Each element in the array is 2-bytes.
	ordinal = AddressOfNameOrdinals[i]
	# The ordinal value is an index into AddressOfNames array.
	# Each element in the array is 4-bytes.
	# Check the function name.
	func_name = AddressOfNames[ordinal]
	if func_name == "WinExec":
		# If function name is WinExec, we have found our target.
		# The ordinal value is an index into AddressOfFunctions array.
		# Each element in the array is 4-bytes.
		# The accessed value will be the function RVA which when added
		# to the base address of kernel32.dll will give the VA.
		func_addr = kernel32_BaseAddress + AddressOfFunctions[ordinal]

Walking the PEB with Phobos Ransomware

Fig. 15-16 shows the decompilation of a snippet of code in the Phobos ransomware sample. This code is responsible for walking the PEB, finding the base address of kernel32.dll and parsing its export table to find the address of the WinExec function. Essentially, it’s the programmatic version of what we did manually in the previous sections. In addition, there are some interesting artifacts which we will look at.

IDA Freeware decompilation of PEB walk in Phobos ransomware - Part 1
Fig. 15: IDA Freeware decompilation of PEB walk in Phobos ransomware - Part 1
IDA Freeware decompilation of PEB walk in Phobos ransomware - Part 2
Fig. 16: IDA Freeware decompilation of PEB walk in Phobos ransomware - Part 2

Consider the following decompiled code, its associated assembly and explanatory comments. This snippet of code finds the base address of KernelBase.dll by walking the PEB.

	peb = NtCurrentPeb();
	dll_base = peb->Ldr->InInitializationOrderModuleList.Flink->Flink[1].Flink;

	mov     eax, large fs:30h									; In 32-bit processes, the PEB address is stored in the fs register at offset 0x30
	mov     [ebp+peb], eax
	mov     eax, [ebp+peb]										; eax stores the PEB address
	mov     eax, [eax+0Ch]										; eax+0xc points to the Ldr member. Refer to Fig. 3. [eax+0Ch] stores the value at eax+0xc in eax. 
	mov     eax, [eax+1Ch]										; eax+0x1c points to the Flink field in the InInitializationOrderModuleList array. Refer to Fig. 5.
													; [eax+0x1c] stores the value at eax+0x1c in eax. This value is the address to the first initialized DLL in the InInitializationOrderModuleList array.
	mov     eax, dword ptr ds:(locret_113269 - 113269h)[eax]					; This instruction looks weird, but is equivalent to mov eax, [eax]. Thus, [eax] points to the second initialized DLL in the InInitializationOrderModuleList array.
													; Considering the usual initialized DLLs sequence, this is the entry for KernelBase.dll. This is an assumption.
	mov     eax, [eax+8]										; eax+8 points to the DllBase member. Refer to Fig. 9. [eax+8] stores the value at eax+8 in eax. This is the base address of KernelBase.dll

Consider the following decompiled code, its associated assembly and explanatory comments. This snippet of code finds the export directory address in KernelBase.dll address space.

	va_export_directory = (&dll_base->Flink + *(&dll_base[7].Blink[15].Flink + dll_base));

	mov     ecx, [eax+3Ch]										; At this point eax points to the base address of KernelBase.dll. eax+0x3c points to the e_lfanew field in the DOS header. Refer to Fig. 12.
													; [eax+0x3c] stores the address at eax+0x3c in ecx.
	mov     ecx, [ecx+eax+78h]									; ecx+eax+78h points to the Export Directory RVA field in the optional header data directory. Refer to the calculation below Fig. 12.
													; [ecx+eax+78h] stores the value at ecx+eax+78h in ecx.
	add     ecx, eax										; KernelBase.dll base address is added to the export directory RVA to get the export directory VA.

Consider the following decompiled code and explanatory comments. This snippet of code finds the address of GetModuleHandleA function for loading kernel32.dll.

rva_eat = va_export_directory[7];				// Points to the AddressOfFunctions field in the export directory. Refer Fig. 13.
rva_ent = va_export_directory[8];				// Points to the AddressOfNames field in the export directory. Refer Fig. 13.
rva_eot = va_export_directory[9];				// Points to the AddressOfNameOrdinals field in the export directory. Refer Fig. 13.
num_names = va_export_directory[6];				// Points to the NumberOfNames field in the export directory. Refer Fig. 13.
eot = (dll_base + rva_eot);					// Calculates the VA of export ordinals table that contains the ordinal values of each exported function.
eat = (dll_base + rva_eat);					// Calculates the VA of export address table that contains RVA of exported functions.
ent = (dll_base + rva_ent);					// Calculates the VA of export names table that contains the address of exported function names.
i = 0;
while ( i < num_names )						// Iterate over each exported function until GetModuleHandleA is found. Refer to the export directory traversal algorithm described in the previous section.
	func_rva = eat[eot[i]];
	funcname = dll_base + ent[i];
	funcname_ = *funcname;
	func_addr = (dll_base + func_rva);
	if ( *funcname == 'MteG'				// Another obfuscation technique, specifically for strings, involves
	  && *(funcname + 1) == 'ludo'				// breaking it up into multiple pieces and embedding it in the code, i.e., the
	  && *(funcname + 2) == 'naHe'				// .text section itself. This technique can evade detection signatures
	  && *(funcname + 3) == 'Aeld' 				// that rely on looking at contiguous strings.
	  && !funcname[16] )
	  if ( !addr_GetModuleHandleA )
		module_fname[13] = 0;
		*&module_fname[14] = 0;
		addr_GetModuleHandleA = func_addr;
		strcpy(module_fname, "Kernel32.dll");
		dll_base = func_addr(module_fname);		// Load kernel32.dll using GetModuleHandleA
		goto RECALCULATE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY_VALUES;	// Recalculate offsets to EAT, ENT, EOT, etc. considering base address of kernel32.dll.

Consider the following decompiled code. It’s pretty straightforward, so I’ve not added any explanatory comments. It just stores the addresses of specific functions that were parsed from the export directory of kernel32.dll (previously loaded through GetModuleHandleA.

while ( i < num_entries_eat )
	else if ( funcname_ == 'EniW' && *(funcname + 1) == 'cex' )
		addr_WinExec = func_addr;
	else if ( funcname_ == 'solC' && *(funcname + 1) == 'naHe' && *(funcname + 2) == 'eld' )
		addr_CloseHandle = func_addr;
	else if ( funcname_ == 'tirW' && *(funcname + 1) == 'liFe' && *(funcname + 4) == 'e' )
		addr_WriteFile = func_addr;
		v14 = *funcname;
		if ( *funcname == 'aerC' && *(funcname + 1) == 'iFet' && *(funcname + 2) == 'Ael' )
		addr_CreateFileA = func_addr;
		else if ( v14 == 'TteG' && *(funcname + 1) == 'Ppme' && *(funcname + 2) == 'Ahta' )
		addr_GetTempPathA = func_addr;
		else if ( v14 == 'rtsl' && *(funcname + 1) == 'Atac' )
		addr_lstrcatA = func_addr;
	if ( addr_GetModuleHandleA
	  && addr_CreateFileA
	  && addr_WriteFile
	  && addr_CloseHandle
	  && addr_WinExec
	  && addr_GetTempPathA
	  && addr_lstrcatA )


In this blog, we went into great detail about an obfuscation technique that malware often use to determine function addresses. We also saw an implementation of the technique in Phobos ransomware.